1 (2016-02-11 10:52:06 отредактировано Vlad1m1r)

Добрый день.

Имеется в наличии wi-fi адаптер dwa-125, рабочий проверено в винде.
Подскажите как настроить с его помощью раздачу инета по wi-fi, на компе есть инет по кабелю.
Система mageia 5 x64

Заранее спасибо. smile


Ну какбы поиск по форуму рулит https://forum.mageia.org.ru/viewtopic.php?id=541

Но лучше купить wi-fi роутер.

Mageia5, KDE  4.14.5

3 (2016-02-11 12:01:53 отредактировано TopE)

Gnom⇓ пишет:

Но лучше купить wi-fi роутер.


А вообще NM умеет это делать без ручной правки конфигов. Просто галочку ставишь на этом интерфейсе, "сделать точкой доступа" и все - инет начинает раздаваться, если он есть.

ROSA Desktop Fresh R11.1 EE 2016.1 Desktop 64-бит


TopE, надо еще смотреть поддерживает ли чип адаптера softap.
NM надо устанавливать, в магеи по умолчанию нет.

Mageia5, KDE  4.14.5

5 (2016-02-11 12:30:31 отредактировано TopE)

Gnom⇓ пишет:

надо еще смотреть

да, у меня точно такой же - раздает, правда хреново
точнее раздавал временно, пока wi-fi роутер в ремонте был

ROSA Desktop Fresh R11.1 EE 2016.1 Desktop 64-бит


TopE пишет:

да, у меня точно такой же

Могут быть разные ревизии железа.

Mageia5, KDE  4.14.5


Gnom⇓ пишет:

Могут быть разные ревизии железа

ну ТС наверное проверил, что на винде он раздает)) а так, да, я чет не подумал про ревизии

ROSA Desktop Fresh R11.1 EE 2016.1 Desktop 64-бит

8 (2016-02-11 13:48:06 отредактировано Vlad1m1r)

Gnom пишет:

Ну какбы поиск по форуму рулит https://forum.mageia.org.ru/viewtopic.php?id=541

Но лучше купить wi-fi роутер.

Ну роутера нету. Поиском пользовался но не нашел, так что извините smile

По теме пару вопросов.
Все делал по инструкции

Вопрос какой драйвер мне указывать в /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf?


Оставил все как было в инструкции
Пытаюсь перезапустить hostapd выдает ошибку.

[root@localhost vlad1m1r]# service hostapd restart
Restarting hostapd (via systemctl):  Job for hostapd.service failed. See "systemctl status hostapd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

выполняем предложенную команду получаем

[root@localhost vlad1m1r]# systemctl status hostapd.service
● hostapd.service - Hostapd IEEE 802.11 AP, IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP/RADIUS Authenticator
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/hostapd.service; enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Чт 2016-02-11 16:37:38 NOVT; 55s ago
  Process: 6900 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf -P /run/hostapd.pid -B (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

фев 11 16:37:38 localhost hostapd[6900]: Configuration file: /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
фев 11 16:37:38 localhost hostapd[6900]: Could not set interface wlp0s29u1u4 flags (U...ry
фев 11 16:37:38 localhost hostapd[6900]: nl80211: Could not set interface 'wlp0s29u1u4' UP
фев 11 16:37:38 localhost hostapd[6900]: nl80211 driver initialization failed.
фев 11 16:37:38 localhost hostapd[6900]: hostapd_free_hapd_data: Interface wlp0s29u1u...ed
фев 11 16:37:38 localhost systemd[1]: hostapd.service: control process exited, code=...s=1
фев 11 16:37:38 localhost systemd[1]: Failed to start Hostapd IEEE 802.11 AP, IEEE 8...or.
фев 11 16:37:38 localhost systemd[1]: Unit hostapd.service entered failed state.
фев 11 16:37:38 localhost systemd[1]: hostapd.service failed.
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.

выполняем следущее и получаем бесконечный вывод одного и того же

[root@localhost vlad1m1r]# journalctl -xe
фев 11 16:45:37 localhost kernel: rt2800usb 2-1.4:1.0: Direct firmware load for rt2870.bin failed with error -2
фев 11 16:45:37 localhost kernel: ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Error - Failed to request Firmwar
фев 11 16:45:38 localhost kernel: ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Info - Loading firmware file 'rt2
фев 11 16:45:38 localhost kernel: rt2800usb 2-1.4:1.0: Direct firmware load for rt2870.bin failed with error -2
фев 11 16:45:38 localhost kernel: ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Error - Failed to request Firmwar
фев 11 16:45:39 localhost kernel: ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Info - Loading firmware file 'rt2
фев 11 16:45:39 localhost kernel: rt2800usb 2-1.4:1.0: Direct firmware load for rt2870.bin failed with error -2
фев 11 16:45:39 localhost kernel: ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Error - Failed to request Firmwar
фев 11 16:45:40 localhost kernel: ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Info - Loading firmware file 'rt2

Вот по этой строке

фев 11 16:37:38 localhost hostapd[6900]: nl80211 driver initialization failed.

кажется проблема все таки из-за драйвера sad


Попробуй в конфиге замени wlan0 на wlp0s29u1u4 или как там он прописан в системе.

Mageia5, KDE  4.14.5


Vlad1m1r⇓ пишет:

кажется проблема все таки из-за драйвера


ROSA Desktop Fresh R11.1 EE 2016.1 Desktop 64-бит


Gnom пишет:

Попробуй в конфиге замени wlan0 на wlp0s29u1u4 или как там он прописан в системе.

Я сразу поменя на wlp0s29u1u4, не помогло

TopE пишет:
Vlad1m1r⇓ пишет:

кажется проблема все таки из-за драйвера


строчку driver=nl80211 поменял на driver=rt2800usb
и еще установил пакет ralink-firmware

теперь адаптер заработал, но я на нем могу цепляться wifi.
Щас надо будет сделать чтоб он раздовал smile


Телефон стал видеть точку, н оне может получить ip, хотя файрвол отключил совсем.

При вводе "iptables -A FORWARD -i enp3s0 -o wlp0s29u1u4 -m state" получаем следущее sad

[root@localhost vlad1m1r]# iptables -A FORWARD -i enp3s0 -o wlp0s29u1u4 -m state
iptables v1.4.21: state: option "--state" must be specified

Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.


Vlad1m1r⇓ пишет:

iptables -A FORWARD -i enp3s0 -o wlp0s29u1u4 -m state

iptables -A FORWARD -i enp3s0 -o wlp0s29u1u4 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

ROSA Desktop Fresh R11.1 EE 2016.1 Desktop 64-бит


Vlad1m1r⇓ пишет:

строчку driver=nl80211 поменял на driver=rt2800usb

По идеи и с этим должно работать...

Vlad1m1r⇓ пишет:

При вводе "iptables -A FORWARD -i enp3s0 -o wlp0s29u1u4 -m state" получаем следущее

Читай дальше тему и сразу настраивай shorewall.

Vlad1m1r⇓ пишет:

При вводе "iptables -A FORWARD -i enp3s0 -o wlp0s29u1u4 -m state" получаем следущее

В той теме поправил, должно быть как TopE написал, там почему то в две строки.

Mageia5, KDE  4.14.5


TopE⇓ пишет:

iptables -A FORWARD -i enp3s0 -o wlp0s29u1u4 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

Отработало без ошибок smile

Gnom⇓ пишет:

Читай дальше тему и сразу настраивай shorewall.

Настроил shorewall как в той теме.
Все стартует при рестарте, но wifi не дает подключиться, постоянно хочет получить ip адрес.

Походу теперь у меня лыжи не едут sad
Сделал все как по инструкции.
Файрвол полностью отключил.
А не работает sad


Покажи dnsmasq.conf
а также



Фильтрацию по MAC адресам не настраивал, а то может какой то MAC не правильно указал? Пароль правильно пишешь?
А какое устройство пытается коннектиться к точке?

Mageia5, KDE  4.14.5


Gnom⇓ пишет:

Покажи dnsmasq.conf

# Configuration file for dnsmasq.
# Format is one option per line, legal options are the same
# as the long options legal on the command line. See
# "/usr/sbin/dnsmasq --help" or "man 8 dnsmasq" for details.

# Listen on this specific port instead of the standard DNS port
# (53). Setting this to zero completely disables DNS function,
# leaving only DHCP and/or TFTP.

# The following two options make you a better netizen, since they
# tell dnsmasq to filter out queries which the public DNS cannot
# answer, and which load the servers (especially the root servers)
# unnecessarily. If you have a dial-on-demand link they also stop
# these requests from bringing up the link unnecessarily.

# Never forward plain names (without a dot or domain part)
# Never forward addresses in the non-routed address spaces.

# Uncomment these to enable DNSSEC validation and caching:
# (Requires dnsmasq to be built with DNSSEC option.)

# Replies which are not DNSSEC signed may be legitimate, because the domain
# is unsigned, or may be forgeries. Setting this option tells dnsmasq to
# check that an unsigned reply is OK, by finding a secure proof that a DS 
# record somewhere between the root and the domain does not exist. 
# The cost of setting this is that even queries in unsigned domains will need
# one or more extra DNS queries to verify.

# Uncomment this to filter useless windows-originated DNS requests
# which can trigger dial-on-demand links needlessly.
# Note that (amongst other things) this blocks all SRV requests,
# so don't use it if you use eg Kerberos, SIP, XMMP or Google-talk.
# This option only affects forwarding, SRV records originating for
# dnsmasq (via srv-host= lines) are not suppressed by it.

# Change this line if you want dns to get its upstream servers from
# somewhere other that /etc/resolv.conf

# By  default,  dnsmasq  will  send queries to any of the upstream
# servers it knows about and tries to favour servers to are  known
# to  be  up.  Uncommenting this forces dnsmasq to try each query
# with  each  server  strictly  in  the  order  they   appear   in
# /etc/resolv.conf

# If you don't want dnsmasq to read /etc/resolv.conf or any other
# file, getting its servers from this file instead (see below), then
# uncomment this.

# If you don't want dnsmasq to poll /etc/resolv.conf or other resolv
# files for changes and re-read them then uncomment this.

# Add other name servers here, with domain specs if they are for
# non-public domains.

# Example of routing PTR queries to nameservers: this will send all
# address->name queries for 192.168.3/24 to nameserver

# Add local-only domains here, queries in these domains are answered
# from /etc/hosts or DHCP only.

# Add domains which you want to force to an IP address here.
# The example below send any host in double-click.net to a local
# web-server.

# --address (and --server) work with IPv6 addresses too.

# Add the IPs of all queries to yahoo.com, google.com, and their
# subdomains to the vpn and search ipsets:

# You can control how dnsmasq talks to a server: this forces
# queries to to be routed via eth1
# server=

# and this sets the source (ie local) address used to talk to
# to port 55 (there must be a interface with that
# IP on the machine, obviously).
# server=

# If you want dnsmasq to change uid and gid to something other
# than the default, edit the following lines.

# If you want dnsmasq to listen for DHCP and DNS requests only on
# specified interfaces (and the loopback) give the name of the
# interface (eg eth0) here.
# Repeat the line for more than one interface.
# Or you can specify which interface _not_ to listen on
# Or which to listen on by address (remember to include if
# you use this.)
# If you want dnsmasq to provide only DNS service on an interface,
# configure it as shown above, and then use the following line to
# disable DHCP and TFTP on it.

# On systems which support it, dnsmasq binds the wildcard address,
# even when it is listening on only some interfaces. It then discards
# requests that it shouldn't reply to. This has the advantage of
# working even when interfaces come and go and change address. If you
# want dnsmasq to really bind only the interfaces it is listening on,
# uncomment this option. About the only time you may need this is when
# running another nameserver on the same machine.

# If you don't want dnsmasq to read /etc/hosts, uncomment the
# following line.
# or if you want it to read another file, as well as /etc/hosts, use
# this.

# Set this (and domain: see below) if you want to have a domain
# automatically added to simple names in a hosts-file.

# Set the domain for dnsmasq. this is optional, but if it is set, it
# does the following things.
# 1) Allows DHCP hosts to have fully qualified domain names, as long
#     as the domain part matches this setting.
# 2) Sets the "domain" DHCP option thereby potentially setting the
#    domain of all systems configured by DHCP
# 3) Provides the domain part for "expand-hosts"

# Set a different domain for a particular subnet

# Same idea, but range rather then subnet

# Uncomment this to enable the integrated DHCP server, you need
# to supply the range of addresses available for lease and optionally
# a lease time. If you have more than one network, you will need to
# repeat this for each network on which you want to supply DHCP
# service.

# This is an example of a DHCP range where the netmask is given. This
# is needed for networks we reach the dnsmasq DHCP server via a relay
# agent. If you don't know what a DHCP relay agent is, you probably
# don't need to worry about this.

# This is an example of a DHCP range which sets a tag, so that
# some DHCP options may be set only for this network.

# Use this DHCP range only when the tag "green" is set.

# Specify a subnet which can't be used for dynamic address allocation,
# is available for hosts with matching --dhcp-host lines. Note that
# dhcp-host declarations will be ignored unless there is a dhcp-range
# of some type for the subnet in question.
# In this case the netmask is implied (it comes from the network
# configuration on the machine running dnsmasq) it is possible to give
# an explicit netmask instead.

# Enable DHCPv6. Note that the prefix-length does not need to be specified
# and defaults to 64 if missing/
#dhcp-range=1234::2, 1234::500, 64, 12h

# Do Router Advertisements, BUT NOT DHCP for this subnet.
#dhcp-range=1234::, ra-only 

# Do Router Advertisements, BUT NOT DHCP for this subnet, also try and
# add names to the DNS for the IPv6 address of SLAAC-configured dual-stack 
# hosts. Use the DHCPv4 lease to derive the name, network segment and 
# MAC address and assume that the host will also have an
# IPv6 address calculated using the SLAAC alogrithm.
#dhcp-range=1234::, ra-names

# Do Router Advertisements, BUT NOT DHCP for this subnet.
# Set the lifetime to 46 hours. (Note: minimum lifetime is 2 hours.)
#dhcp-range=1234::, ra-only, 48h

# Do DHCP and Router Advertisements for this subnet. Set the A bit in the RA
# so that clients can use SLAAC addresses as well as DHCP ones.
#dhcp-range=1234::2, 1234::500, slaac

# Do Router Advertisements and stateless DHCP for this subnet. Clients will
# not get addresses from DHCP, but they will get other configuration information.
# They will use SLAAC for addresses.
#dhcp-range=1234::, ra-stateless

# Do stateless DHCP, SLAAC, and generate DNS names for SLAAC addresses
# from DHCPv4 leases.
#dhcp-range=1234::, ra-stateless, ra-names

# Do router advertisements for all subnets where we're doing DHCPv6
# Unless overriden by ra-stateless, ra-names, et al, the router 
# advertisements will have the M and O bits set, so that the clients
# get addresses and configuration from DHCPv6, and the A bit reset, so the 
# clients don't use SLAAC addresses.

# Supply parameters for specified hosts using DHCP. There are lots
# of valid alternatives, so we will give examples of each. Note that
# IP addresses DO NOT have to be in the range given above, they just
# need to be on the same network. The order of the parameters in these
# do not matter, it's permissible to give name, address and MAC in any
# order.

# Always allocate the host with Ethernet address 11:22:33:44:55:66
# The IP address

# Always set the name of the host with hardware address
# 11:22:33:44:55:66 to be "fred"

# Always give the host with Ethernet address 11:22:33:44:55:66
# the name fred and IP address and lease time 45 minutes

# Give a host with Ethernet address 11:22:33:44:55:66 or
# 12:34:56:78:90:12 the IP address Dnsmasq will assume
# that these two Ethernet interfaces will never be in use at the same
# time, and give the IP address to the second, even if it is already
# in use by the first. Useful for laptops with wired and wireless
# addresses.

# Give the machine which says its name is "bert" IP address
# and an infinite lease

# Always give the host with client identifier 01:02:02:04
# the IP address

# Always give the host with client identifier "marjorie"
# the IP address

# Enable the address given for "judge" in /etc/hosts
# to be given to a machine presenting the name "judge" when
# it asks for a DHCP lease.

# Never offer DHCP service to a machine whose Ethernet
# address is 11:22:33:44:55:66

# Ignore any client-id presented by the machine with Ethernet
# address 11:22:33:44:55:66. This is useful to prevent a machine
# being treated differently when running under different OS's or
# between PXE boot and OS boot.

# Send extra options which are tagged as "red" to
# the machine with Ethernet address 11:22:33:44:55:66

# Send extra options which are tagged as "red" to
# any machine with Ethernet address starting 11:22:33:

# Give a fixed IPv6 address and name to client with 
# DUID 00:01:00:01:16:d2:83:fc:92:d4:19:e2:d8:b2
# Note the MAC addresses CANNOT be used to identify DHCPv6 clients.
# Note also the they [] around the IPv6 address are obilgatory.
#dhcp-host=id:00:01:00:01:16:d2:83:fc:92:d4:19:e2:d8:b2, fred, [1234::5] 

# Ignore any clients which are not specified in dhcp-host lines
# or /etc/ethers. Equivalent to ISC "deny unknown-clients".
# This relies on the special "known" tag which is set when
# a host is matched.

# Send extra options which are tagged as "red" to any machine whose
# DHCP vendorclass string includes the substring "Linux"

# Send extra options which are tagged as "red" to any machine one
# of whose DHCP userclass strings includes the substring "accounts"

# Send extra options which are tagged as "red" to any machine whose
# MAC address matches the pattern.

# If this line is uncommented, dnsmasq will read /etc/ethers and act
# on the ethernet-address/IP pairs found there just as if they had
# been given as --dhcp-host options. Useful if you keep
# MAC-address/host mappings there for other purposes.

# Send options to hosts which ask for a DHCP lease.
# See RFC 2132 for details of available options.
# Common options can be given to dnsmasq by name:
# run "dnsmasq --help dhcp" to get a list.
# Note that all the common settings, such as netmask and
# broadcast address, DNS server and default route, are given
# sane defaults by dnsmasq. You very likely will not need
# any dhcp-options. If you use Windows clients and Samba, there
# are some options which are recommended, they are detailed at the
# end of this section.

# Override the default route supplied by dnsmasq, which assumes the
# router is the same machine as the one running dnsmasq.

# Do the same thing, but using the option name

# Override the default route supplied by dnsmasq and send no default
# route at all. Note that this only works for the options sent by
# default (1, 3, 6, 12, 28) the same line will send a zero-length option
# for all other option numbers.

# Set the NTP time server addresses to and

# Send DHCPv6 option. Note [] around IPv6 addresses.

# Send DHCPv6 option for namservers as the machine running 
# dnsmasq and another.

# Ask client to poll for option changes every six hours. (RFC4242)

# Set the NTP time server address to be the same machine as
# is running dnsmasq

# Set the NIS domain name to "welly"

# Set the default time-to-live to 50

# Set the "all subnets are local" flag

# Send the etherboot magic flag and then etherboot options (a string).

# Specify an option which will only be sent to the "red" network
# (see dhcp-range for the declaration of the "red" network)
# Note that the tag: part must precede the option: part.
#dhcp-option = tag:red, option:ntp-server,

# The following DHCP options set up dnsmasq in the same way as is specified
# for the ISC dhcpcd in
# http://www.samba.org/samba/ftp/docs/textdocs/DHCP-Server-Configuration.txt
# adapted for a typical dnsmasq installation where the host running
# dnsmasq is also the host running samba.
# you may want to uncomment some or all of them if you use
# Windows clients and Samba.
#dhcp-option=19,0           # option ip-forwarding off
#dhcp-option=44,     # set netbios-over-TCP/IP nameserver(s) aka WINS server(s)
#dhcp-option=45,     # netbios datagram distribution server
#dhcp-option=46,8           # netbios node type

# Send an empty WPAD option. This may be REQUIRED to get windows 7 to behave.

# Send RFC-3397 DNS domain search DHCP option. WARNING: Your DHCP client
# probably doesn't support this......

# Send RFC-3442 classless static routes (note the netmask encoding)

# Send vendor-class specific options encapsulated in DHCP option 43.
# The meaning of the options is defined by the vendor-class so
# options are sent only when the client supplied vendor class
# matches the class given here. (A substring match is OK, so "MSFT"
# matches "MSFT" and "MSFT 5.0"). This example sets the
# mtftp address to for PXEClients.

# Send microsoft-specific option to tell windows to release the DHCP lease
# when it shuts down. Note the "i" flag, to tell dnsmasq to send the
# value as a four-byte integer - that's what microsoft wants. See
# http://technet2.microsoft.com/WindowsServer/en/library/a70f1bb7-d2d4-49f0-96d6-4b7414ecfaae1033.mspx?mfr=true

# Send the Encapsulated-vendor-class ID needed by some configurations of
# Etherboot to allow is to recognise the DHCP server.

# Send options to PXELinux. Note that we need to send the options even
# though they don't appear in the parameter request list, so we need
# to use dhcp-option-force here.
# See http://syslinux.zytor.com/pxe.php#special for details.
# Magic number - needed before anything else is recognised
# Configuration file name
# Path prefix
# Reboot time. (Note 'i' to send 32-bit value)

# Set the boot filename for netboot/PXE. You will only need
# this is you want to boot machines over the network and you will need
# a TFTP server; either dnsmasq's built in TFTP server or an
# external one. (See below for how to enable the TFTP server.)

# The same as above, but use custom tftp-server instead machine running dnsmasq

# Boot for Etherboot gPXE. The idea is to send two different
# filenames, the first loads gPXE, and the second tells gPXE what to
# load. The dhcp-match sets the gpxe tag for requests from gPXE.
#dhcp-match=set:gpxe,175 # gPXE sends a 175 option.

# Encapsulated options for Etherboot gPXE. All the options are
# encapsulated within option 175
#dhcp-option=encap:175, 1, 5b         # priority code
#dhcp-option=encap:175, 176, 1b       # no-proxydhcp
#dhcp-option=encap:175, 177, string   # bus-id
#dhcp-option=encap:175, 189, 1b       # BIOS drive code
#dhcp-option=encap:175, 190, user     # iSCSI username
#dhcp-option=encap:175, 191, pass     # iSCSI password

# Test for the architecture of a netboot client. PXE clients are
# supposed to send their architecture as option 93. (See RFC 4578)
#dhcp-match=peecees, option:client-arch, 0 #x86-32
#dhcp-match=itanics, option:client-arch, 2 #IA64
#dhcp-match=hammers, option:client-arch, 6 #x86-64
#dhcp-match=mactels, option:client-arch, 7 #EFI x86-64

# Do real PXE, rather than just booting a single file, this is an
# alternative to dhcp-boot.
#pxe-prompt="What system shall I netboot?"
# or with timeout before first available action is taken:
#pxe-prompt="Press F8 for menu.", 60

# Available boot services. for PXE.
#pxe-service=x86PC, "Boot from local disk"

# Loads <tftp-root>/pxelinux.0 from dnsmasq TFTP server.
#pxe-service=x86PC, "Install Linux", pxelinux

# Loads <tftp-root>/pxelinux.0 from TFTP server at
# Beware this fails on old PXE ROMS.
#pxe-service=x86PC, "Install Linux", pxelinux,

# Use bootserver on network, found my multicast or broadcast.
#pxe-service=x86PC, "Install windows from RIS server", 1

# Use bootserver at a known IP address.
#pxe-service=x86PC, "Install windows from RIS server", 1,

# If you have multicast-FTP available,
# information for that can be passed in a similar way using options 1
# to 5. See page 19 of
# http://download.intel.com/design/archives/wfm/downloads/pxespec.pdf

# Enable dnsmasq's built-in TFTP server

# Set the root directory for files available via FTP.

# Make the TFTP server more secure: with this set, only files owned by
# the user dnsmasq is running as will be send over the net.

# This option stops dnsmasq from negotiating a larger blocksize for TFTP
# transfers. It will slow things down, but may rescue some broken TFTP
# clients.

# Set the boot file name only when the "red" tag is set.

# An example of dhcp-boot with an external TFTP server: the name and IP
# address of the server are given after the filename.
# Can fail with old PXE ROMS. Overridden by --pxe-service.

# If there are multiple external tftp servers having a same name
# (using /etc/hosts) then that name can be specified as the
# tftp_servername (the third option to dhcp-boot) and in that
# case dnsmasq resolves this name and returns the resultant IP
# addresses in round robin fasion. This facility can be used to
# load balance the tftp load among a set of servers.

# Set the limit on DHCP leases, the default is 150

# The DHCP server needs somewhere on disk to keep its lease database.
# This defaults to a sane location, but if you want to change it, use
# the line below.

# Set the DHCP server to authoritative mode. In this mode it will barge in
# and take over the lease for any client which broadcasts on the network,
# whether it has a record of the lease or not. This avoids long timeouts
# when a machine wakes up on a new network. DO NOT enable this if there's
# the slightest chance that you might end up accidentally configuring a DHCP
# server for your campus/company accidentally. The ISC server uses
# the same option, and this URL provides more information:
# http://www.isc.org/files/auth.html

# Run an executable when a DHCP lease is created or destroyed.
# The arguments sent to the script are "add" or "del",
# then the MAC address, the IP address and finally the hostname
# if there is one.

# Set the cachesize here.

# If you want to disable negative caching, uncomment this.

# Normally responses which come from /etc/hosts and the DHCP lease
# file have Time-To-Live set as zero, which conventionally means
# do not cache further. If you are happy to trade lower load on the
# server for potentially stale date, you can set a time-to-live (in
# seconds) here.

# If you want dnsmasq to detect attempts by Verisign to send queries
# to unregistered .com and .net hosts to its sitefinder service and
# have dnsmasq instead return the correct NXDOMAIN response, uncomment
# this line. You can add similar lines to do the same for other
# registries which have implemented wildcard A records.

# If you want to fix up DNS results from upstream servers, use the
# alias option. This only works for IPv4.
# This alias makes a result of appear as
# and this maps 1.2.3.x to 5.6.7.x
# and this maps> to>

# Change these lines if you want dnsmasq to serve MX records.

# Return an MX record named "maildomain.com" with target
# servermachine.com and preference 50

# Set the default target for MX records created using the localmx option.

# Return an MX record pointing to the mx-target for all local
# machines.

# Return an MX record pointing to itself for all local machines.

# Change the following lines if you want dnsmasq to serve SRV
# records.  These are useful if you want to serve ldap requests for
# Active Directory and other windows-originated DNS requests.
# See RFC 2782.
# You may add multiple srv-host lines.
# The fields are <name>,<target>,<port>,<priority>,<weight>
# If the domain part if missing from the name (so that is just has the
# service and protocol sections) then the domain given by the domain=
# config option is used. (Note that expand-hosts does not need to be
# set for this to work.)

# A SRV record sending LDAP for the example.com domain to
# ldapserver.example.com port 389

# A SRV record sending LDAP for the example.com domain to
# ldapserver.example.com port 389 (using domain=)

# Two SRV records for LDAP, each with different priorities

# A SRV record indicating that there is no LDAP server for the domain
# example.com

# The following line shows how to make dnsmasq serve an arbitrary PTR
# record. This is useful for DNS-SD. (Note that the
# domain-name expansion done for SRV records _does_not
# occur for PTR records.)
#ptr-record=_http._tcp.dns-sd-services,"New Employee Page._http._tcp.dns-sd-services"

# Change the following lines to enable dnsmasq to serve TXT records.
# These are used for things like SPF and zeroconf. (Note that the
# domain-name expansion done for SRV records _does_not
# occur for TXT records.)

#Example SPF.
#txt-record=example.com,"v=spf1 a -all"

#Example zeroconf

# Provide an alias for a "local" DNS name. Note that this _only_ works
# for targets which are names from DHCP or /etc/hosts. Give host
# "bert" another name, bertrand

# For debugging purposes, log each DNS query as it passes through
# dnsmasq.

# Log lots of extra information about DHCP transactions.

# Include another lot of configuration options.



[root@localhost vlad1m1r]# ifconfig
enp3s0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 fe80::7a24:afff:fe8e:1051  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        ether 78:24:af:8e:10:51  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 91360  bytes 21647155 (20.6 MiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 13  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 12622  bytes 1569201 (1.4 MiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING>  mtu 65536
        inet  netmask
        inet6 ::1  prefixlen 128  scopeid 0x10<host>
        loop  txqueuelen 0  (Local Loopback)
        RX packets 259  bytes 21403 (20.9 KiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 259  bytes 21403 (20.9 KiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

wlp0s29u1u4: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 fe80::226:5aff:fe18:a061  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        ether 00:26:5a:18:a0:61  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 14  bytes 4030 (3.9 KiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 37  bytes 6512 (6.3 KiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0


[root@localhost vlad1m1r]# iwconfig
enp3s0    no wireless extensions.

wlp0s29u1u4  IEEE 802.11bgn  Mode:Master  Tx-Power=20 dBm   
          Retry short limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
          Power Management:off
lo        no wireless extensions.
Gnom⇓ пишет:

Фильтрацию по MAC адресам не настраивал, а то может какой то MAC не правильно указал? Пароль правильно пишешь?
А какое устройство пытается коннектиться к точке?

Фильтрацию по MAC не настраивал, пароль точно правильно пишу.
Телефоном пытаюсь подключиться на базе Android smile


В данный момент с мобилы, с операмини, и конфиг сложновато разобрать, но кмк, вот эту строку dhcp-
ты не там раскомментил. Надо секцией выше.

Mageia5, KDE  4.14.5


Gnom⇓ пишет:

В данный момент с мобилы, с операмини, и конфиг сложновато разобрать, но кмк, вот эту строку dhcp-
12h ты не там раскомментил. Надо секцией выше.

Ну я раскоментил ту строку которая шла по инструкции с другой темя smile
Закоментировал ее, раскоментил ту что секцией выше, проблема не ушла.
А причем тут опера мини? ip то не может сама мобила получить? smile


Vlad1m1r пишет:

Ну я раскоментил ту строку которая шла по инструкции с другой темя smile
Закоментировал ее, раскоментил ту что секцией выше, проблема не ушла.

После того как раскоментил строку в верхней секции, комп ребутил? В обеих строках написано одно и тоже, только одна включает дхцп сервер(верхняя секция), а та, которую ты раскоментил, дхцп релей.

Vlad1m1r пишет:

А причем тут опера мини? ip то не может сама мобила получить? smile

Я читаю форум через операмини.

Mageia5, KDE  4.14.5


Gnom⇓ пишет:

После того как раскоментил строку в верхней секции, комп ребутил?

Конечно smile

Gnom⇓ пишет:

Я читаю форум через операмини.

А я с компа smile а вот телефон не может даже ip получить sad


Смотрел, сервис dnsmasq запущен?
А есть какое-нибудь другое устройство с wi-fi, кроме мобилы с андроидом.

Mageia5, KDE  4.14.5


Vlad1m1r, а почему на сетевой карте такой ip адрес, от провайдера? Если да, то попробуй поменяй в dnsmasq.conf на dhcp- range=,, в конфиге wi-fi адаптера, может быть из-за конфликта ip адресов, вся эта фигня.

Mageia5, KDE  4.14.5


Gnom⇓ пишет:

а почему на сетевой карте такой ip адрес, от провайдера?

Да от провайдера.

Gnom⇓ пишет:

попробуй поменяй в dnsmasq.conf на dhcp- range=,, в конфиге wi-fi адаптера, может быть из-за конфликта ip адресов, вся эта фигня.

Попробую отпишусь что получится smile